They taste nice but not fantastically better than from the shops. So I don't think I'll bother planting carrots again. The soil's great for them - nice and sandy - but you can buy carrots all year round for really cheap. Instead, I think I'll use that space for my sweet onions when I plant them in the autumn. With only so much space available, I'd rather use it for something I can't get in the shops, or something that tastes much better than in the shops.
Saturday, 31 January 2009
pumpkin, potatoes and carrots
They taste nice but not fantastically better than from the shops. So I don't think I'll bother planting carrots again. The soil's great for them - nice and sandy - but you can buy carrots all year round for really cheap. Instead, I think I'll use that space for my sweet onions when I plant them in the autumn. With only so much space available, I'd rather use it for something I can't get in the shops, or something that tastes much better than in the shops.
Posted by Alexa at 2:45 pm 1 comments
So this morning I got organised!
Behind it you can see my tomatoes. I used the old piece of shade cloth just to wrap around them, nothing fancy but it's better than the linen blanket.
But that's not all I got up to. Whilst I was at the garden centre I noticed these watering spikes, on special for only $6 for 6. What you do is fill the spike with sand and they have a few small holes in them. Then you take any kind of bottle, from a small water bottle to a milk jug, fill it with water, and put the spike on the mouth. Then you put the spike in the ground or in a pot, and theoretically it slowly feeds it water down by the roots instead of from the surface.
So now I feel much better prepared, because we will have more 40+ days this summer. Just hopefully not three in a row.
Posted by Alexa at 2:25 pm 2 comments
Labels: weather
Friday, 30 January 2009
sweet onion seeds
And now a lighthearted interlude whilst I try not to worry about my fried garden.
I'll be visiting my sister in America in a few weeks, so I thought I'd use the opportunity to look for some vegetable seeds I might not be able to find in Australia. I've had to enlist my sister to order them for me (website won't take Australian credit cards, grumble grumble) and I was told that I was required to make a blog post about the whole thing as payment for services rendered.
I decided to order sweet onion seeds - such as Vidalia or Walla Walla onions. I remember them from growing up in Oregon where there was a short but much-anticipated Walla Walla onion season ... but they simply do not grow them in Australia. I found a garden variety called "Yellow Granex Sweet Onions" from Kitchen Garden Seeds. This is part of their description for this onion: WARNING, this will make you hungry.
We love caramelized Yellow Granex onions so much that we prepare batch after batch, and freeze them in thin layers in airtight plastic bags. Then, we can break off pieces for quick and delicious use in Sunday morning omelets, mushroom-Madeira reduction sauces and baguette “boat” sandwiches layered with basil mayonnaise, roasted eggplant and zucchini, tomatoes and provolone cheese, sizzled under the broiler. But our favorite use is in chicken rollups. Pound boneless chicken breasts to about 1/8” thick. Spread each breast with a mixture of sautéed garlic, caramelized Yellow Granex and wilted spinach. Top with thin strips of roasted red peppers and dollops of soft herbed goat cheese. Roll them up, secure with a toothpick and bake covered for 35 to 45 minutes at 350°F in a bath of herbed chicken broth, turning occasionally. Serve piping hot topped with fresh Parmesan on a bed of wild rice alongside glazed baby carrots and homemade cranberry compote.How can I resist that?!
Australians will know that bringing seeds into Aus is a big deal. Quarantine restrictions can be fierce; for example you can no longer bring in tomato seeds because of the fear of a virus coming across and ruining commercial crops. Luckily for me, onion seeds are OK, but I'll have to make sure to write the scientific name on the packet and mail it back to myself, rather than risk an extra-long wait in the airport whilst customs looks up onions on their list.
I've also been required by my sister to add the following text from an email I sent her this morning:
It gets nerdier. I put out a notice on the garden forum where I learn all this stuff, to ask if anyone wanted me to send them seeds! And for the record, yes, two people wanted some. I'm not the only nerd.With any luck I'll start an Australia-wide trend! Stranger things have happened.
Posted by Alexa at 1:17 pm 1 comments
Labels: onions
Thursday, 29 January 2009
the carnage
And finally, the one that made me cry when I saw it. I knew I was taking a chance when I planted rhododendrons but at the time I was homesick for Oregon and took the chance. The first time we got a heat wave I bought shade cloth to pamper them through it. And this morning I pulled back the shade cloth to water them. AND I FORGOT TO PUT THE CLOTH BACK ON. I don't know how I could have done that. And this is what two of them now look like.
But I have to remind myself of what's surviving. My pumpkins are still ripening on schedule. My Japanese maple looks like a mess and lost a lot of leaves, but I can see fat buds swelling on the twigs and hope it's going to recover. And my little designer twig is toughing it out brilliantly under its shade cloth.
And I have to remind myself that this is a once in 100 year freak of nature.
Posted by Alexa at 7:57 pm 1 comments
Labels: weather
the damage so far
Well when I got home last night the shade cloth I'd set up across the porch had fallen down. I've now just flopped it over the pots on that side and propped it up a bit with a stick. Luckily it still did its job and they all seem fine.
However, my Yellow Pear tomato (not in the shade cloth) has been fried. The tender growth on the tips shriveled right up and didn't perk up overnight. So for today I wrapped both toms in a linen blanket and hoped for the best.
By the way ... Mari that's the blanket you bought me all those years ago, I think you said it was from Mexico. It's come in handy!
On the up side, my rhodies under their shade cloth seem to be doing ok. But we've got two more days of this to go ...
Posted by Alexa at 4:11 pm 1 comments
Labels: weather
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
currently 43
Forget tomorrow. It's hit 109 this afternoon.
Posted by Alexa at 3:24 pm 0 comments
Labels: weather
revised to 43
Oh lordy. They've just revised tomorrow's forecast to 43. That's 109 degrees people.
Posted by Alexa at 1:26 pm 1 comments
Labels: weather
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
batten down the hatches again
I am so glad that I took the time to buy some extra shade cloth yesterday and string it up next to the front porch. It isn't pretty but I was running out of shade for my plants. Looks like they've taken day 1 ok, but it didn't get up to 40 today. We'll see how we go the rest of the week.
Posted by Alexa at 5:13 pm 2 comments
Labels: weather
Sunday, 25 January 2009
odd potato out
They even took the hot weather quite well and bounced back when it cooled down in the last few days. But since then the sprout on the left has started to wilt from the bottom leaves upward. Now the whole thing has almost wasted away ... but the other two seem fine! I don't know what's going on.
I dug down next to it almost to the bottom and didn't see anything unusual - the soil is moist but not soggy, the stem looks healthy though I didn't see any side roots. I wonder what's going on and if I'm going to lose all of them.
Posted by Alexa at 12:09 pm 3 comments
Friday, 23 January 2009
mystery tomato spots
Yesterday I noticed these nasty black spots on one of my tomatoes. I assumed it was blossom-end rot, a fairly common ailment in tomatoes. But I've been told it can't be because the very tip, where the blossom falls off, is unblemished.
So I have no idea what caused these spots. As you can see from the second picture, they're not very deep. They're not caterpillars and I don't they're a fungus because they're not fuzzy.
So yeah ... if any tomato experts are reading this, please let me know what this is and if I should be worried about my other tomatoes too!
What a shame. As you can see, it was another fleshy one with very few seeds. But in consolation, I've picked my second ripe Better Boy this morning and will be enjoying it this evening!
Posted by Alexa at 2:51 pm 0 comments
Labels: tomatoes
Thursday, 22 January 2009
tumble into a new pot
I planted this Tumbler Tom tomato a little while back. At the time the only pot I had was a bit small. Now that I'm seeing the effects of outgrowing their pots in my bigger tomatoes, I decided to head that off with my Tumbler. I'd picked up a terracotta pot from the B-store on special for $10 so I thought I'd use it.
The fun part was transplanting it. The old pot was not only small, but cracked. So instead of trying to gently lift the plant out of the pot, I just hit it with a hammer! Sure made it easy. And yes, the roots were already starting to bind in the old pot, which made it easy to move it to the new pot but also meant that it really could use the space.
I also got a better look and realized it wasn't a very happy camper. It had gotten scorched in the recent heat wave (sorry little plant!), dropped some fruit (probably from drying out quickly in the small pot) and other fruit seemed to be either rotten or eaten by grubs.
So I'm hoping it gets happier in this new pot and I'll be more careful in the hot weather. Because despite losing a bit of fruit, there's still a lot of green fruit on it and a few look about ready to ripen!
Posted by Alexa at 11:03 am 0 comments
Labels: before and after, tomatoes
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
oh brother
Oh brother.
So I took a quick walk to the vet next door and asked if they took in hurt birds, which they do. I got a shoe box and went over to Little Mr. Bird here he was hiding behind my Designer Twig. But when I tried to pick him up, he let me get all the way to touching him, then fluttered away. On the second try he flew all the way into the fig tree.
So I didn't bring him to the vet after all, because he seems to be on the road to recovery. But unfortunately he's not there yet. I hope I don't find him dead under the fig tree in a few days, but in the meantime the cats stay inside whilst he recovers.
Posted by Alexa at 8:56 am 2 comments
Labels: birds
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
killer instinct
In regards to birds they're pretty hopeless. Thatcher once gave a blackbird a good chase, but he doesn't get to go outside much any more due to several escape attempts. And Percival ... well Percival's idea of "hiding" is to crouch in the middle of the lawn staring at the fig tree. This cat is WHITE with a bit of ginger, there is no hiding that. I know the blackbird alarm call for "beware, there's a cat" because every time we're outside, they're making that call, fully aware of Percival's attempts to "stalk" them. In fact even today I was thinking of taking a photo of him behind his favourite hiding bush to show you all how hopeless he looks.
But before I could do that, I was behind the fig tree when I noticed Percival go running at a dead bolt inside the house. The cats NEVER run back inside, they like being outside too much, so I thought to myself "that's a bit odd ... perhaps he's chased a fly inside?" I went back to what I was doing for a minute or two, but then decided to check on him inside.
Oh, it wasn't a fly.
Half an hour later it was still there, then next I saw it had lurched over to the path but no father. So I did some research and learned that stunned birds probably have a concussion which causes swelling of blood vessels in the brain. So I took their advice and got a shoe box, put a towel inside, and went to fetch the bird. He struggled a bit when I picked him up this time which I took as a good sign, but I put him in anyway and put him in the hall closet to calm down for an hour.
Supposedly this allows the blood vessels to heal without causing further damage from the bird struggling or being stressed. When you open the box they're meant to fly away ... otherwise there's something else wrong and the prognosis isn't good. So I opened the box by the fig tree ... and it just sat there panting.
I got it a little dish of water even though I knew it would be too stressed to drink. We sat outside a little ways away for 15 minutes. It just sat there.
No sign of the little guy. And no sign is a very, very good sign.
Though I have to say, any bird dumn enough to get caught by Percival, the great white stooge, probably won't be adding anything good to the gene pool.
Posted by Alexa at 8:33 pm 0 comments
hot and windy and then there were six
Yesterday I forgot to water my pots before going to work. When I got home the whole garden was in a state. The potted veggies all looked like these only WORSE, but I forgot to take a photo. These photos are from today, even after they got water yesterday.
Surprisingly, one thing that was taking the heat were the marigolds I planted a few weeks ago. They were wilty today but took yesterday's heat without complaint.
On top of that fun, I've lost two pumpkins that definitely had pollinated. They grew a bit but then just stopped. I've pretty much pinned it down to not enough water, and despite topping them up this week I've lost these two. Which leaves me with only six pumpkins across two vines. That's still plenty for just me, but it's disappointing seeing dozens of baby pumpkins fall off.
Posted by Alexa at 6:52 pm 0 comments
Labels: weather
Monday, 19 January 2009
concrete issues
We had our first shot at taking out the floor of the fish pond today. We borrowed Tom's father's drill with a big concrete drill bit. The bit went in relatively easily for about three inches, then just stopped. We tried two other holes but the same thing. No dirt, the drill just stopped going in any farther.
Makes me wonder what's under the concrete that's stopping the drill. But it looks like we're going to need something more powerful from the tool hire place.
Posted by Alexa at 11:48 am 0 comments
Labels: big projects
better boy and pumpkins
I ate my Better Boy tomato yesterday. I cut it in half and couldn't see any seeds. I thought I must have sliced through one of the bits of flesh, so I sliced it again to try to find the seeds. But as you can see, it's almost all flesh and very few seeds. Excellent! Next time you slice up a supermarket tomato, notice just how much of the inside is seeds and watery goop and how little is actual flesh.
And what tasty flesh it was. A nice rich even flavour, as if you turned the volume up from a supermarket tomato. The only downside - the skin was quite thick, which is probably why it felt so firm even though inside it was fully ripe. I wonder if they'll all be that thick-skinned, and what makes some tomatoes like that.Meanwhile, my pumpkins are getting nice and huge. They've got their first blush of orange too. I think it'll still be several weeks before they're ripe, though. Sadly I'm getting the rest of the female flowers dropping off even before the flowers open. Might be not enough water, so I'll try to water a bit more without watering so much that these beauties get watery and less flavoursome.
Posted by Alexa at 11:41 am 1 comments
Labels: tomatoes
more succulents
I potted up another batch of succulents. On the right is a Sedum pachyphyllum, "silver" jelly beans, surrounded by I think a Sedum spurium.
To the left we have what I think is a Pachyphytum. In the corners you can just barely see tiny strings of what I think are Sedum morganianum. The big mystery though, is I have no idea what those tiny red specs are. I love the colour though and I hope they take root.
I just love the different textures and colours. Not sure what I'm going to do with three pots of succulents, though. Maybe once they grow up a bit I'll give them as gifts. But in the meantime I'm enjoying seeing them take root, and excited to see them grow.
Posted by Alexa at 11:37 am 1 comments
Labels: succulents
Friday, 16 January 2009
bountiful harvest
Posted by Alexa at 5:09 pm 1 comments
potted succulents
What we have here are three Echeverias of a light-blue persuasion - I think they're Echeveria secunda, "hens and chicks" (this website is an excellent source that I've been shamelessly drawing from). In between the Echeveria I've put in a few Sedum rubrotinctum ("jelly beans" or "pork and beans") - they're green with a lovely red tinge that should be a great contrast to the Echeveria. In the middle is another sedum that's a bit more lemon-yellow than the others but I'm not sure if it's a different species.
I was starting to have some issues with some of the cutting shriveling up, especially in the Echeveria and yo ucan see it in these ones. I wasn't sure if they were rotting or drying out - do I water them more or less?! But It sounds like they were drying out, so they all got a bit of a watering today. And lucky for me, the blue Echeveria is from my own garden so if they die there are plenty more to steal!
Posted by Alexa at 5:05 pm 2 comments
Labels: succulents
seeing red

there are a few more little fruits on the top of the plant, I hope they don't take as long to ripen as these ones did!
Oh and no, I didn't wear nail polish just to match the capsicum. I mean ... of course I did. I'm that coordinated.
Posted by Alexa at 4:54 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
the flying dragon
It looked strange and thorny enough for me to go look up what lime leaves look like (for the record, they don't look like that). So I did some searching for what dwarf citrus root stock looks like. Sure enough, if you let the root stock grow leaves, they look like this. The name of the stock is "flying dragon" ... it certainly looks as spiky as a dragon.
Oh well, I'll pluck it off today so it doesn't sap strength from the other grafts. And I'll confirm with the company that I'll be wanting that lime/orange tree after all.

Posted by Alexa at 1:38 pm 2 comments
Labels: before and after
oh the sweet cool change
Lucky me! By 10:30am they revised the forecasts from a high of 37 to a high of 27! That's not typical of Melbourne heat waves; 90% of the time they stick around a few days before an afternoon cool change blows in and the temperature drops quite abruptly. So to have a morning cool change is wonderfully good luck.
It makes up for a rather grumpy morning. I checked on the pumpkin before work and I'd been slack - a few fruit high up on the fence had been getting fat, and the weight had pulled the vine off the fence. So at 8:30am (at 32 degrees) I was typing up the pumpkin vine in full sun and putting together a few more "hammocks". All I got for my efforts were scratched arms! Pumpkin vines are a bit prickly you see.
Posted by Alexa at 1:35 pm 0 comments
Labels: weather
Monday, 12 January 2009
batten down the hatches
My other worry is the rhododendrons out the back. They got the shade cloth treatment today, it should keep them from the worst of the sun and they do get afternoon shade. I didn't have enough cloth for all four of them, but the one left over is bigger than the others and in a shadier spot against the fence so it should be okay.
Here's hoping!
Posted by Alexa at 8:01 pm 0 comments
Labels: weather
the pond in progress

So the long-term plan for a while has been to drain the pond, cut out the concrete on the bottom, put in dirt and plant something. This plan began almost two months ago when we got rid of the fish. I wanted to use the water on the nearby plants, but at the time it just kept raining and I didn't want to waste the water. In the meantime, guess what! With no fish, mosquitos love to lay their eggs and grow little larva. So I had to kill the larva before we finally scooped out all the water with buckets. Then Tom had to dig out the layer of fish-poo-covered, scummy gravel on the bottom.
We have to take out the bottom or at least poke a lot of holes, otherwise when we do get a bit of rain (like never), whatever we plant inside will drown.
I'm not sure what to plant yet, something of a good size. I keep coming back to some kind of fruit tree - I would LOVE an avocado tree, and there's one type that only gets about 7 feet tall (unlike most that easily grow to 30 feet). But avocados do need water, you can't let them dry out.
Ah well it looks like it'll be a while before I'm ready to plant anything!
Posted by Alexa at 7:56 pm 3 comments
Labels: before and after
Friday, 9 January 2009
farewell my peas
Last week I finally said farewell to my peas. They never became very prolific, I never picked more than 3 pods in one go, but I still enjoyed eating them fresh from the pods. But they go to the point that between a bush on one side and the pumpkin on the other, they were very shaded and ended up getting a bad case of white, powdery mildew. I didn't want it to spread to the pumpkins, so off they went to the compost heap.
I kept the roots in the ground though. Legumes take nitrogen from the air and store it in their roots, so they enrich the soil for other plants. The roots will break down and make their spot even nice for the next plant that grows there.
It's a shame they had to go. It's pure luck that the summer has been so cool that the peas have thrived when they should have died off long ago from heat. But I suppose it was pretty well-timed: apparently next week it's going to reach 37 on Tuesday (that's 99F to you northerners). Oh the joys of Melbourne weather.
Posted by Alexa at 2:17 pm 0 comments
Thursday, 8 January 2009
crepe myrtle
I ask because I remember you telling me that they're so common in Texas you were downright sick of them. Well guess what? They can't get enough of them in Melbourne, because they're pretty and they tough out the drought like a champ. Councils love to plant them along roadsides, just like this one just around the corner from my house.
If you ever want to run a business, perhaps a crepe myrtle export nursery would be a goer.
Posted by Alexa at 8:04 pm 2 comments
fat little pumpkins
They've gotten about to the size where I had to start thinking about extra support. They are up on the fence after all and if they get too heavy they might break off the vine!
I'd heard of using old pantyhose but I don't wear them enough to have spares. I had an old t-shirt I was going to slice up, but then I got worried. Would it be bad for the pumpkins if their sunlight was blocked? And if they get wet in the rain, will the t-shirts stay damp and rot the pumpkins?
Posted by Alexa at 8:01 pm 1 comments
Saturday, 3 January 2009
can grafts re-grow?
That little stub is the lime graft, and that tiny branch appears to be growing from it. However it's also likely that it's growing from the root stock. When you graft onto root stock, you always want to remove branches from the root stock. They're very vigorous and hardy (that's why they make them into root stock) but don't usually produce good fruit, and tend to sap all the resource form the branches that do.
I'm not 100% sure how to tell if that branch is growing from the lime or the root stock. I'm checking with my favourite garden forum where there's at least one expert on fruit trees who might know. But I'll be so happy if it is the lime fighting back!
Posted by Alexa at 8:30 pm 0 comments
Labels: citrus
pollination issues
In my zeal to plant fruits and veggies, I may have neglected those all-important little bees. A lot of what I grow doesn't need pollinators - herbs and lettuce you eat before they flower, tomatoes and chilis self-pollinate. But still, bees are important for fruits and some veggies. So I took a trip to the garden centre and bought some marigolds for the back garden.
I needed four of them but at my local, lavender is between $10 and $20 each. But they had a few in the $5 "budget" section. It's where they put the ugly plants, the ones that have passed their beautiful flowering stage. Some plants never recover, but many simply go through a cycle of ugly before re-growing or re-blooming the next year.
So I sat down for a relaxing half-hour doing what I like best in the garden - pruning. I cut off all of the flowering heads and most of the lanky growth. Some of them had quite a lot of dead growth too, and all of them had little buds of new growth just waiting for their turn. So when I was done they looked like this.
I do sort of regret that they're not the dramatic contrast that the dark purple cordyline were. They'll be more of a compliment to the agapanthus, rather than a contrast. But I do think that eventually they will look quite lovely. And of course, they'll do a very important job supporting my fruit and veggies.
Posted by Alexa at 8:23 pm 0 comments
fig wars three: return of the figs
I think I mentioned that I wasn't sure if I liked figs. Well I do! They're not the best fruit in the world but they are quite lovely and I'm glad I finally saved a few from the birds.
Only a few, though. There were another several figs that I had wrapped up in netting but it just didn't work. All the birds did was land on the branch, pushing down the netting so that they could peck at it anyway.
Almost all of the breba crop has ripened and been eaten, but there are still another dozen left. I've taken off the net bags and moved them to other branches, trying to learn from my past mistakes to maybe save a few more before this crop is over. But it's also reminded me just how many figs there will be in the main crop in the autumn - literally hundreds of figs. I just need to exercise some patiences until then.
Posted by Alexa at 8:07 pm 2 comments
Labels: figs