One of my favourite parts about gardening in Melbourne is that because we don't get winter frosts, we get two vegetable growing seasons. Summer is for tomatoes, pumpkin and melons, but it's when you have to fight the heat with shadecloth and lots of extra water. Winter is the easy growing season as the rains are much more steady. So it's a joy to sit down around February and plan for my winter veggies.
On my list this year are:
- Broccoletti - I grew broccoli last winter but I want to try this small, thin type grown for its thin tender stems and slightly milder flavour
- Broad beans - probably not worth the really long growing season but I'll grow one plant
- Kale - cavallo nero is a Tuscan black kale that's just magic in a winter minestrone
- Chinese broccoli - aka Chinese kale aka gai lan aka kai lan, it's so tasty with oyster sauce
- Snow peas - I have a helluva time getting good harvests of these but I'll give them one more shot this year; rather than going for pretty heirloom climbers I'm going for a standard Oregon bush-type