Saturday, 22 August 2009

more propagating I've had to modify the setup significantly so as not to cook the sprouts.  I've used a folded-up plastic crate.  What you see here is the base, and below it is a few layers of plastic lattice so the heat slowly seeps through the air and through the plastic to get to the tray.

Something must be working because 6 days after planting the tomatoes started to sprout and so did the cinnamon basil.  I still only have the one Serrano seedling, so I got impatient and planted more chili seeds.  In doing so I found at least one seed that had just started to germinate so perhaps they were just taking their time (like 6 weeks, seriously taking their time).  I've also got some lettuce-leaf basil that I put in just today.

It's all going along nicely now!