Saturday, 22 August 2009

speaking of sprouts

The seed sprouting upstairs has inspired me to take some snaps of all the sprouting that's going on around the garden.

As I mentioned last week, the tired old plum trees are making a comeback.  Here's how much we had to cut this one back last year because the top half had died off.
Not only is it now covered with blossom (much more in that pic which is from last year) but look at all the new sprouts coming from the branches!  It's trying so hard to live.
My designer twig is also powering along well with lots of new sprouts of both leaves and blossoms.
And here's my sad little maple tree, like the plum tree it's also trying so hard to live.  The tips of most branches are dead but there are still plenty of tiny buds farther down.
It gives me a lot of respect for the rejuvenating power of life.