Wednesday, 26 January 2011

drimiopsis a morning walk one day, I noticed a neighbour with a whole row of a cute little plant with leopard-spotted leaves and flowers like a small white hyacinth.  I did some research and found out it's called drimiopsis maculata (aka little white soldiers, African hosta, leopard plant) and that it's a tough little plant that likes dry shade.  It's not easy to find, but I found a mail order place that sold them for $3!  So I ordered 3, and was pleasantly surprised to get this in the mail - 3 clusters, each with about 10 pups.  Lucky me!'re smaller than the ones I saw so they're probably pretty young, but I took advantage of the glut and spread them around under some ficus trees.

It is nice when you get a lucky surprise like that.  Hopefully they'll thicken out this year and next year I'll have little white flowers in the early summer.